Leviticus 18:1-5, 26-30: Compromise

“If total peace desired,
Then total war required.”
Accept no compromise,
In purity comprised.

The Coming One, who ever “Am.”
The giver of the Law’s demands,
The One who judges every man,
Declares the right, and evil damns.

The law that you obey will be your god,
Your worship in the things you praise and laud.
And Christ accepts no idols next to Him,
You must forsake the worldly ways of sin.

From Egypt you were saved and freed,
Why imitate their dress and greed?
The Canaanites were driven out,
Why think their thoughts, or heed their mouths?

If you accept their lies,
Adulterous compromise,
To marry lie to truth,
God’s war will fall on you.

Accept the law Jehovah gives,
It is the light by which we live,
That He may bless and prosper you,
His statues then your avenue.

Reject abominations God demands,
Though you be hated by the kings of man,
To be abominated by the world,
Preferred to being hated by the Lord.

Then bravely take you stand for Law,
Against the world and all it’s wrong.
That Christ is only King, proclaim,
Defy the tyrants’ every chain!

“If total peace desired,
Then total war required.”
For compromise is death,
The Law our life and breath.