Let the Little Children Come to Me

How will they understand unless they hear?
How will they comprehend unless they see?
Let all my holy people gather here,
And let the little children come to Me. 
For even nursing infants praise my name,
They must be part of my community,
They do not need just to be entertained,
Just let the little children come to Me. 
So welcome children, tho’ they’re not mature,
Their faith is model in simplicity,
But teach them to participate in church,
And let the little children come to Me. 
For Christ is found with in the least of these,
In segregating Him, He is not pleased. 


Exalt the God, with praise applaud
He is our Lord Creator,
So let us hear with Godly fear,
For we are all his debtors.

Let hoary ones, and sucklings young,
Let every are and gender,
Be all set free and to God flee,
To worship none to hinder.

Come hear the law, ye weak, ye braw,
With fasting and with weeping,
At this direct do not neglect,
To bring your child seeking.

Sing His praise, a great noise raise,
These babies each know how, and
Don’t let them go, for who would know,
But one could feed five thousand?

There is a place to separate,
With decency partition,
But do not bar and risk to mar
the spirit of God’s nation.

Would you exclude from heaven’s food,
The youth to fools’ assembly?
Such raucous groups to mocking stoop,
And bears look on unfriendly

The youthful kind and sober mind,
The blossom and the rose-hip
The toddle’s voice with age rejoice,
One symphony of worship.