I See (Ecclesiastes 4:1)

Lord, I see the oppression done under the sun,
All the tears that the poor and the marginalized shed.
There is no one to comfort them: not even one,
For the power resides with the ones who oppress.

But Your throne is established on justice and right,
And Your arm is laid bare in omnipotent power.
It's Your heart to restore to the victim their might,
Giving dignity back to the ones who now cower.

Show me how to establish Your throne in this land,
That Your kingdom may reign here on earth as above.
With Your care and compassion for every man,
And equality under the law of Your love.

Godly Community (I Samuel 30:20-31)

God has united us in Him,
O let us join in unity.
And let us love the brethren,
However weak or strong they be.
But let us give to all his due,
And more, as God gives graciously,
And not belittle what they do,
but build Godly community.

The Lord protects His followers,
His heart is for the weak and lost;
So let us too, or else we err,
For that is how we found the cross.
And we are members under Christ,
Within the church, His body formed.
Let us in love and grace unite,
With everyone in Christ reborn.

The Friend that Loves Me (I Samuel 20)

Loved with love that is not selfish,
Love that will preserve my soul.
Love that loves without exception,
Love that makes the broken whole.
Unconditionally offered,
Covenant both made and kept.
Love that's sworn to me forever,
Love that's sealed in blood and sweat.

Loved with love that holds no secrets,
Tells me all I need to know.
Love that never can betray me,
Love cast my accuser low.
Covers all my faults and failures,
My most sinister of sins.
Love that takes the judge's anger,
Love that bears my punishment.

Loved with love that will absolve me,
Love which stands though false-accused.
Love in everything trust-worthy,
Never will that trust abuse.
You still demonstrate affection,
Though I'm an idolatrous son,
You give love instead of curses,
Blessings which You shall see done.