Truth (III John)

My source of greatest joy is found,
To hear my children still abound,
With in the truth – the Lord’s compound,
Rejoicing in the truth.

With wisdom is the truth proclaimed,
The tongue to speak or to restrain,
Speak truth for Christ and not to blame,
With wisdom speak the truth.

And if your thoughts are not precise,
Then seek out Godly saint’s advice,
To see what steps should be devised,
With reference for the truth.

Be careful then in what you state,
Your own pet theory to debate,
With caution when you speculate,
Distinguishing the truth.

Be bold with those who turn away,
Don’t bend to what the bullies say,
Let truth not fall deceptions prey,
Exposing what’s not truth.

And never, brother, hold your peace,
In speaking truth thus never cease,
That always we in truth increase,
We always speaking truth.