Deliver Me From Evil (Psalm 41:5-13)

My enemies expect my death, destruction of my name,
Disseminating lies and scheming scandals for my shame.
They’re misers of iniquity and men who hoard their sin,
My faithful friend who ate my food turned foe-man in the end!

O, dearest Lord, but You and You alone deliver me,
Give grace and get me up at once again Your call I’ll seek.
By this I know You heard my hollering for help and aid:
If these malicious men may never marshall troops in might arrayed.

I know that You deserve my praise, since You were pleased with me,
For You positioned me that You might hear my prayers and pleas,
You hallowed me and cleansed me of abhorrent calumny,
The Lord be praised in every age, amen eternally!