Thunderings (I Samuel 12:13-25)

How quickly I am wont to stray,
And manufacture my own gods.
Lord, take my wandering away,
And strip away my sin's façade.
For when I hear, I do not heed,
But do what brings myself delight.
Lord, draw me to what You decreed,
Restraining me to what is right. 
And I withhold what You demand,
I bar the center of my heart.
Lord, break my bars, lest I be damned,
And make my idols to depart.
Your thunderings have silenced me,
I stand here naked and dismayed.
I have no moral purity,
And should be given to the grave!
For You have ruined all my food,
That I may look to You for bread,
You purged the lusts which I pursued,
That I find joy in You instead.
You sacrificed Yourself for me,
And You made up my weaknesses,
You rescued me for sanctity,
Now make me do as Your Word says.
Lord, Your salvation shows You great,
I know the mighty things You've done.
With fear, I will my sin forsake,
With love, I look to serve Your Son.