For This We Give You Praise

Lord, You have worked in ages past,
And in our fathers' days,
Laid bare Your arm on their behalf;
For this we give You praise.

You saved our nation when distressed,
And prospered all our ways,
With justice for those who're oppressed;
For this we give You praise.

Lord, You have given us Your word,
Because You showed us grace,
You gave us ears, and we have heard;
For this we give You praise.

You gave Your Son, our sacrifice,
Who triumphed o'er the grave,
Then resurrected us to life;
For this we give You praise.

Lord, You sustained through poverty,
When we were only slaves,
We'll speak to our posterity,
That they may give You praise.

Memorial (Psalm 44:1-8)

Lord, we have heard of Your historic deeds,
Your providence our fathers preached to us,
By Your defense from tyrants they were freed,
With confidence in You they put their trust.

You raised up heroes who would act for You,
From Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and more,
To You and You alone is all the credit due,
For You gave victory when they made war.

Let my memorial be only Christ,
His guiding hand will be my only boast.
I’ll tell my kids His graces in my life,
When I was aided by the Lord of Hosts.

No Other (Isaiah 41)

All praise belongs to Jesus Christ,
Who only brings this dead earth to life.
He spoke and it was so,
He came so we might know.
Let us kneel before the throne of Jesus Christ.

No other can compare unto our Lord and Savior.
All of history at His command.
He raises mighty kings,
And dries the richest streams.
All-sovereign over every work of man.

No other can compare, no god can stand before Him;
Only He is worthy of our praise.
Yet we turn ourselves away,
To idols that we have made,
Yet they pale at but a glance at Jesus’ face.

No other can compare, no other came to save us.
Never will He let his children go.
Now He has set us free,
His is the victory
He washes all our sins as white as snow.