Leviticus 12: Godly Womanhood

A waging war designed to kill,
What God Himself created.
The devils rage in worthless will,
Against what God has stated.
Of Godly womanhood I speak.
What else would make them gnash their teeth?

Oh! wondrous beauty of her kind,
That God Himself has fashioned,
To nurture children by design,
In childbirth compassion.
For this is good, as God decreed,
Do not despise her though she bleed.

For bleeding brings forth purity,
And thus were infants circumcised,
To demonstrate depravity,
And how our sins were exorcised.
And so eternal blood was shed,
A covenant of life instead.

The gospel then for genders all,
Not male or female only.
And all are equal to God’s call,
For God has called both holy.
So let us join our hearts to praise,
To serve our God in unique ways.

So don’t despised what God designed,
Of women raising children,
Satanic any who malign
And call her birthing burden.
A curse of everlasting pain,
On those who motherhood would shame!