Loving the Unlovable (I John 4:2-5:2)

To love the Father, love His child,
For if you hate His son in heart,
Then you are shown a loveless liar,
Devoid of God, blind in the dark.
If you hate him whom God appointed,
For you to fellowship on earth,
Then how can you love His Anointed,
The Son invisible to search?

And this is what the Lord’s commanding,
The primest of the christian goals:
To love our neighbor, undemanding,
To make our love for God more whole.
For those who love God do His bidding,
Place Him as Lord over your life.
Surrender to Him unremitting,
To answer but the will of Christ.

For will the Father heed our prayer,
Who hate the brother that He loves?
You are related – neither greater,
And fellow heirs of Jesus’ blood.
Then love on earth his imperfection,
To show your love for God who saved,
Both you and him through resurrection,
When He ascended from the grave.