Truth and Love (III John part B)

The ministry of love and truth are joined,
So love no lie, or love will be purloined.
And this is love: to walk in God’s commands,
All other laws are hatred and are damned.
For Jesus Christ is God-head from His birth,
And physically incarnate came to earth.
Thus anyone who would this truth deny,
Is not progressive but an anti-Christ.
Do not receive a man who teaches this,
That you not join the error that is his.
He is no brother in our holy faith,
So do not wish him well whose love is fake.
To love him, contradict the lie he tells,
Don’t pat his back while he walks straight to hell.
But those who preach the truth of Jesus Christ,
Should be received as brothers in the fight.
Affirm them, too, in all the truth they speak,
Providing for them well in all their need,
In openness to host your fellow heirs,
With gold, and food, and often offered prayer.
The only way to love is loving truth,
Be that in affirmation or rebuke.