Altar (Hebrews 13:10-14)

There is an altar to our God,
That stands in heaven’s court.
No spotless beast there shed its blood,
To pacify the Lord,
But Jesus Christ our sacrifice,
Has bled there in our stead,
His blood alone for us atones,
And buys us from the dead.

And when the Word came down to men,
We would not hear His voice.
But silently He took our sin,
It was His solemn choice.
With fearsome cries to crucify,
They led my Lord outside,
And damned to death, with His last breath,
My guilt was sanctified.

And likewise Christians follow Christ,
As He has led the way.
Care not of earth, or man, or tribe,
For they will pass away.
And leave behind all sin in kind,
All product of revolt,
With this outside, and our Lord in sight,
That Him alone we’ll hold.