I Peter 4:12-19: Splendid Suffering

When persecution’s fires burn,
Then do not be surprised.
For suffering is good for you,
Instead it should be prized.

Rejoice and sing and jump for joy,
Partaking in Christ’s pain.
So when His splendor is unveiled,
Exceeding joy we gain.

Beloved, know that you are blessed,
When men reproaches raise,
For this in them is blasphemy,
But you to God bring praise.

Let none of you suffer for sin,
No murder, theft or snoop.
And keep each other blameless, too,
Let no one guilt impute.

Unless you suffer for your faith,
Then do not be ashamed,
But praise the Lord for this dread test,
For God will hold no blame.

For judgment starts within the church,
That we are purified,
Then everyone will feel God’s wrath,
Who are not of His bride.

If righteous men are scarcely saved,
How will ungodly stand?
Align yourself, therefore, to Christ,
His will is your command.

And so within your Savior rest,
Though torture claim your life,
For God is faithful to create,
Redeem, rebuild, revive.